A general overview of the cooperative training program:

It is a program that aims to achieve the highest degree of compatibility between what the student studies in the field of specialization and what is required and used in actual work sites through the cooperation of the educational institution with business establishments in training students to practice what has been learned in the specialization during study periods in the actual work environment in accordance with controls. Specific.

Program Goals

  • Providing the student with the opportunity to gain practical experience through training before graduation and deepen his understanding of the specialty.
  • Accustoming the student to discipline, sincerity in work, adherence to deadlines, and respect for regulations.
  • Enabling the student to interact with the work environment and deal with community members outside the university.
  • Preparing the student to take responsibility and enhancing his self-confidence.
  • Providing the student with the opportunity to experience the real work environment in which he is expected to work after graduation.
  • The student’s practice of applied work within the field of real work to complete his professional, technical and behavioral preparation.
  • Providing the student with the opportunity to choose workplaces appropriate to his desires.
  • Linking the educational outcomes of the educational institution with the requirements of the labor market during the training period, which helps enhance career opportunities for graduates.

Information on duration and program times:

Duration of the program: ten weeks (the trainee spends it in actual work

Program attendance time: The student must spend at least five actual working hours each work day

Program controls

  • Receive an email or letter stating that the student has been accepted into the cooperative training program in the same specialty as the student, stating the following: (Student name – start and end dates of training – name and contact information for the direct supervisor).
  • There is a weekly review with the supervisor during training and the student, and the evaluation is through specific questions that are measured based on the level of progress and specialization.
  • The student must submit a proposal as a plan for his training program and it must be approved by his direct supervisor.
  • The student must submit a report on his work on the electronic platform at the end of each week.
  • Be present in the host country from the first day of the start of the program, wearing special training clothing for technical specializations.
  • The student is committed to adhering to the work style and clothing that are appropriate for the organization
  • The student must demonstrate good morals, discipline, hard work and cooperation during his training period.
  • Absenteeism and lack of discipline during the training period lead to cancellation of the course grade and the program will be repeated in the following term in the following cases:
  • If the absence exceeds (10) working days without an excuse.
  • The host party’s desire to exclude the student due to negligence or disorder
  • The host party may not be asked to pay a reward unless the system of that party allows it.

Important information about the program:

  • The university is keen to provide a training opportunity for every student in his field of specialization, and the student has the right to search for a training opportunity if he desires in a specific entity to train in (provided that he brings an official letter from the entity he desires approving his training) at least (3) weeks before the start of the cooperative program.
  • The university can provide the student with an official letter from the host body, But the header of the letter will be addressed to (To Whom It May Concern) in order to present it to all companies.
  • The student must review the host organization to which he was appointed before the start of the program in order to finalize the training procedures in that organization.
  • The student prepares a weekly report, in addition to a comprehensive report at the end of the program, about the practical experience he gained during the training period and uploads it to the electronic training platform. If you have any questions about the weekly and final reports, you can contact the academic supervisor.
  • The student must follow up on his evaluation at the training institution and ensure that it is sent to the academic supervisor at the university at the end of the program or received and delivered to the university in order to avoid delaying the monitoring of the training degree, which would result in completing graduation procedures on time.
  • The direct training supervisor communicates with the student’s academic supervisor to receive the student’s final evaluation.
  • A 500-word report on the complete training period and the level of skills acquired is added and uploaded to the electronic platform.
  • The student must bring his evaluation report from the company within a maximum period of (3) weeks from the end of his training period to avoid obtaining a failing grade.