Regulations will be updated soon…

List of tuition and financial fees

Tuition and financial fees are considered an integral part of students’ obligations towards the university. It is designed to be symbolic in comparison to the scientific and cognitive value provided by the university. These fees contribute to supporting the university’s infrastructure. Academic program development, Providing the necessary learning resources that enhance the learning experience. The university also emphasizes providing easy and flexible payment options to ensure that high-quality education is available to all students.




I. Tuition fee structure:
Details according to the program:
Bridging programmes, Bachelor’s, Each Master’s degree has a different fee structure.
Fee details:
registration fees, Tuition fee per credit hour, And any additional fees.


II. Payment programs:
Clarifying the conditions for refunding fees in certain cases. The amount is not refundable if the amount paid is the applicant’s first payment, and fees cannot be refunded after the start of the semester
Easy payment programs:
Providing flexible payment plans to facilitate the payment process for students.


III. Payments by program:
Bridging Program – Bachelor’s Program – Master’s Program:
Proper payment structure and scheduling. Please visit the admission and registration page
Detailed payments and payment options.
Payment schedule and available facilities.


IV. Financial support and grants:
Grants to affected countries:
Providing a 20% discount to students from affected countries.
Scholarship for people with disabilities:
Providing a 30% discount for students with disabilities.
Emphasis on supporting additional categories:
Explain how to apply for grants and eligibility criteria. Please visit the scholarships page


V. Payment facilities:
Schedule payments:
Providing flexible payment schedules that suit students’ financial situations.
Easy payment:
Ways to make payments easier and more convenient for students.


VI. Financial procedures:
Register payments:
How to record payments and prove payment.
Financial inquiries:
Channels for communication in case of any inquiries or financial problems.


VII. Financial obligations:
Financial Responsibility:
Emphasize the importance of adhering to payment deadlines.


VIII. Regulations updates:
Periodic review:
The university’s commitment to review and update the regulations to reflect any changes.


The university is committed to providing high-quality education that is accessible to all students. Taking into account the different financial situations of students. By providing flexible payment options and scholarships, We aim to reduce the financial burden and encourage more students to achieve their academic and career goals. We believe that investing in your education is an investment in your future. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Attendance and absence list for distance learning

Awareness introduction:
We understand the importance of live attendance and active participation in virtual classrooms and how they can greatly enhance your learning experience. Live attendance gives you the opportunity to interact directly with teachers and colleagues, This enhances your understanding of the study material and helps solve any questions you may encounter. While live attendance is not a mandatory requirement at all times, It directly affects participation grades which are an important part of evaluating your academic performance.



I. Definition of attendance:
Live attendance:
Log in to live virtual classes.
Active participation in group discussions and activities.
Indirect attendance:
Review recordings for classes held live.
Complete assignments and participate in forums.


II. Basic attendance requirements:
Direct participation:
Attend at least 75% of the live sessions for each course.
Indirect participation:
Prove participation by submitting assignments and contributions to forums.


III. Record attendance:
Registration mechanisms:
Use the learning management system to record electronic attendance.
Email confirmation of attendance upon request.


IV. Absences and exemptions:
Absence policy:
Explain how students should report their absence.
Exemption procedures:
Submit exemption requests with proof such as medical documentation.


V. Consequences of absence:
Impact on estimates:
Deducting points from participation grades based on the percentage of absence.
corrective actions:
Opportunities to redeem points through additional participation or submission of additional work.


VI. Follow-up procedures:
Communication with students:
Sending notices of absence and providing academic advising.
Review individual cases:
Dealing with repeated absences individually to provide the necessary support.


VII. Continuous evaluation:
Participation role:
Determine the percentage of participation marks in the final evaluation of the course.


VIII. Late registration procedures:
Dealing with late registration:
Special policies to ensure students keep up with the courses.


IX. Communication with teachers:
Encouraging inquiries:
Opening direct communication channels with teachers for support.


X. Review of regulations:
Periodic updates:
Commitment to review and update the regulations to comply with best practices.


Your active participation and direct presence in virtual classrooms not only provides you with an opportunity for deep learning, They also contribute to fostering an interactive and supportive learning community. We encourage you to make the most of this opportunity for academic and personal growth.

Regulations will be updated soon…

Student conduct regulations


The Student Conduct Regulations are considered an essential part of the university’s academic and educational framework. It is designed to ensure a safe, respectful, educational environment. And productive for all members of the university community. This regulation aims to clarify the behaviors expected of students and the consequences of violations. Emphasizing the importance of integrity, respect, And responsibility.


I. Principles of student conduct:
Academic Integrity:
Commitment to honesty in all academic work.
appreciate the differences, Avoid aggressive or discriminatory behavior.
the responsibility:
Take personal responsibility for behaviors and decisions.


II. behaviours basics:
Maintain respectful and constructive language in all forms of communication.
Academic participation:
Commitment to active and positive participation in educational activities.
resource usage:
Use educational and technical resources responsibly.


III. Unacceptable behaviours:
Fraud and plagiarism:
Determine the consequences of cheating or plagiarism in academic work.


IV. Procedures for dealing with violations:
Description of the procedures followed in investigating violations.
Clarifying the range of possible sanctions, From warnings to expulsion from the university.
Providing a mechanism for appealing against decisions taken.


V. Student support and guidance:
Counseling and psychological support:
Providing counseling and support services for students who face difficulties.
Awareness programs:
Organizing awareness programs on academic and personal behavior.


VI. Regulations updates:
Periodic review:
Commitment to reviewing and updating the regulation regularly to ensure its effectiveness.


VII. University commitment:
Positive learning environment:
The university’s commitment to providing an educational environment that enhances learning and personal growth.


The Student Conduct Code is considered the basis for ensuring a distinguished and respectful educational experience for all members of the university community. By adhering to these standards, We all contribute to creating a learning environment that encourages integrity, respect, And academic excellence. We encourage all students to take these values ​​as a guide to their behavior in and outside the classroom, To ensure the best academic and personal results are achieved.

Regulations will be updated soon…

Regulations will be updated soon…

Regulations will be updated soon…

Regulations will be updated soon…

Regulations will be updated soon…

Regulations will be updated soon…

List of interaction in virtual classrooms

Awareness introduction:
In a distance education environment, Interaction in virtual classrooms is a vital element for the success of the educational process. Effective interaction can enhance your understanding of academic material, Encourages constructive debate, It strengthens the sense of belonging to the academic community. Through this regulation, We aim to clarify expectations and standards for interaction within virtual classrooms to ensure a rich and productive learning experience for all participants.



I. Foundations of interaction:
Continuing participation:
Encourage active participation in all proposed activities.
respect and appreciation:
Explain the importance of respecting the opinions and feelings of others.
effective communication:
Use clear, polite language in all communications.

II. Virtual classroom rules:
Attendance and attention:
Emphasize the importance of being on time and paying attention during class.
Using the camera and microphone:
Guidance on when and how to use your camera and microphone.
Interaction during class:
Encourage asking questions and participating in discussions.

III. Participate in discussions:
Adding value:
Explain how you can contribute useful information or new perspectives.
Constructive communication:
Encouraging constructive discussions and providing positive criticism.

IV. Dealing with technology:
Technical tools:
Explain how to use available technical tools effectively.
Solve technical problems:
Guidelines for dealing with common technical problems.

V. Unacceptable behaviours:
Avoid disturbing:
Strict policies against disruptive or unprofessional behavior.
Dealing with violations:
Clarifying the penalties for violations.

VI. Support and assistance:
Available resources:
Provide a list of resources for academic and technical support.
communications channels:
Determine how to access help when needed.

VII. Evaluation and feedback:
Contributing to the evaluation:
How participation affects academic evaluations.
Feedback Request:
Encourage students to seek feedback to improve engagement.

VIII. Regulations updates:
Periodic review:
Commitment to review the regulations regularly to ensure their suitability.

Interaction in virtual classrooms can transform the educational experience into a rich and enjoyable learning journey for everyone. We encourage you to seize every opportunity to participate, express your thoughts, And building fruitful educational relationships. By adhering to the standards of this regulation, We believe that every student can make the most of the learning opportunities provided and contribute meaningfully to our academic community.