خطة الرسوم

At Smart University, we strive to achieve academic achievement, so we always strive to set fees that suit our students to complete the study of the program in a sustainable and continuous manner.

رسوم الدورة

3500 ريال سعودي

An English language program for a full year

Mastering English language skills

Summary of the program

This Computing course enables you to ‘top-up’ your existing qualifications to the internationally recognized ‘Bachelor’s Degree’ classification if you have an HND, university degree, diploma or equivalent, in Computing or a closely related field. You will gain an understanding of computing tools, techniques and practices across a range of Application areas. It is delivered entirely online (part-time) meaning you can study at a pace and location that suits you. You can pay for this course flexibly on a module-by-module basis. This means you do not have to pay the full cost of the course up front.

Learning Outcomes

This course will allow you to develop a critical understanding of the analysis, design, development, testing and evaluation of computing systems. In the modern world, No matter what career path you take, It is increasingly likely that some aspect of computing will play a role in your business. A degree in this field gives you a foundation to exploit this trend. The units you will study are:

  • Project management for information systems
  • artificial intelligence
  • Web technologies
  • Software engineering methods
  • Software development
  • Database systems

General mechanism of learning

This additional course is delivered entirely online. You can choose between three start dates (September, January and May) and it usually takes between 12 and 24 months to complete, Depending on the pace of study and module availability. You will study six modules in total, A maximum of two units per semester where available.
Engaging in online learning materials and participating in online discussions will enable you to share knowledge with your fellow participants. While you will manage your learning, You will be provided with guidance on how best to work with online materials and the importance of reflection in order to achieve the course objectives. In addition to the unit materials, You will receive full support from unit commanders, Program leader, and full access to online library support, In addition to being able to contact our dedicated management team, If you have any inquiries.

Program evaluation mechanism

A range of assessment methods appropriate to the subject will be used across units including the following: group project, and development tasks, and reports, And tests. For a bachelor’s degree in computing, You must successfully pass all six modules, Giving you a total of 120 credit hours. All modules are 20 credit hours. During each semester, While there is flexibility to work through the material at your own pace, You should be aware of the evaluation dates as there is no flexibility in these dates. If there is any question regarding the authorship of any reviews submitted, We reserve the right to ask students to have an online chat.