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    هل لديك أسئلة ؟

    We try to cover all your frequent inquiries in the Frequently Asked Questions list to ensure access to the greatest amount of information

    أسئلة وأجوبة

    هل الجامعة الذكية مرخصة؟

    Yes, Smart University of Science and Technology is licensed in the United Kingdom (UK) with the number 14709015 and we are seeking to expand the spread rapidly at the level of the Arab world so that it is accredited in all Arab countries.

    ما هي الجهة المانحة للشهادة؟

    The awarding certificate is the Smart University of Science and Technology

    ما هي الية الدراسة وآلية التقييم في الجامعة؟

    Education at Smart University of Science and Technology is fully e-learning but relies on live lectures and direct contact with professors and researchers.  The evaluation mechanism also falls under a set of academic processes

    • Group project
    • Development tasks and reports
    • Tests and presentations
    • Attendance and actual participation in discussions
    ما هي مدة الدراسة للفصل الدراسي؟

    The Smart University of Science and Technology adopts the four-semester system for both bachelor’s and supplementary bachelor’s programs, and the semester duration is 12 weeks

    كم تبلغ الرسوم الدراسية؟

    Undergraduate program fees are SAR 18,000 (equivalent to $4800) and the amount is paid in installments over 10 academic semesters Complementary bachelor’s program fees are SAR 13,000 (equivalent to $3450) and the amount is paid in installments over 7 academic semesters

    ماهي التخصصات المتاحة حاليا للدراسة؟

    Many distinctive programs are available at the university, including  complementary bachelor’s programs – bridging

    • Computer bridging
    • Bridging computer networks
    • Bridging accounting
    • Bridging design and fashion


    Undergraduate programmes

    • Bachelor of Executive Management
    • Bachelor of Environmental Sustainability
    • Bachelor of Digital Marketing
    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Digital Application
    • Bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence
    • Bachelor’s degree in graphic design
    • Bachelor of Fashion Design
    • Bachelor of Photography