About the university
The Smart University of Science and Technology was established in 2023 as a private educational institution, one of the sectors owned by Masar Holding Group Company and licensed from Britain under No. 14709015. It was established to achieve a pioneering mission by providing a model different from traditional universities. With a focus on a complete distance education system to serve learners in the entire Middle East region. The university aims to overcome the difficulties faced by students in the Arab world, This provides a unique opportunity for advanced and specialized learning in the fields of science and technology. Through its innovative approach, The university seeks to prepare qualified graduates to contribute effectively in various technological and scientific sectors. Benefiting from the flexibility of online study and access to rich and advanced educational resources.
The Smart University of Science and Technology is characterized by an innovative approach that goes beyond the traditional system of colleges linked to specific specialty groups. Instead of that, The university focuses on providing specializations geared toward current jobs and future jobs. With an emphasis on the skills and competencies required in the global labor market. This approach makes the university a pioneer in offering specializations that focus on skilled knowledge and professionalism. Before theoretical knowledge. Through this approach, The university is committed to providing its students with the training and education necessary to not only excel in today’s jobs, But also to innovate and lead new fields that keep pace with future developments.
لماذا اخترتنا؟!
تتميز الجامعة بالعديد من المزايا لتكون ضمن أفضل الخريجين وهذا لايعني أن الدراسة ستكون سهلة للجميع انما ستكون خيارا ً جيدا لمن يريد تطويرمهاراته الفنية والمهارية بالتخصص الذي تود دراسته وأهم مميزات الجامعة هي:
- دراسة باللغة العربية
- برامج مرنة
- رسوم مخفضة
- شراكات عالمية
- آلية تقييم مميزة
- دعم غير محدود